On this page is a selection of premium web designs built for medical practices, dentists, doctors, surgeons, hospitals, health clinics, paediatrics, psychiatrist, psychiatry, stomatology, chiropractor, veterinary clinics and other medical related practices. Clicking on any of the images below will open up a specific demo website that you can browse through to get a feel for the look and layout of a particular design. All of the websites below can be fully customized to suit your specific niche in medical industry.

Alternatively, we can easily build a website for you from scratch based on your specifications and completely customized to meet your personal vision. You would simply need to point out a couple of designs you might have seen on the internet, describe your vision to us and we will get to work, building your dream website.

GETTING DOWN TO THE BRASS TACKS - Getting your practice more patients using the power of the internet! - CLICK TO READ

At the end of the day, a website is simply a means to an end. The end goal is so often overlooked by South African website designers. The end goal you might ask is what exactly? For a Web Designer, in many cases, it might simply be to build you a great looking website and then move onto the next client. That is not very helpful to you, a medical practitioner and business owner, whose end goal in all likelihood, is to hopefully have a website that helps your business grow.  Do you agree?

Our end goal is not simply to build a website for your medical practice that looks great. Our ultimate goal is to build a website that looks amazing, functions the way it is supposed to and use it as a tool that effectively markets your medical practice online, within the specific medical niche you operate in.

All too often, we see medical practices with great looking websites (to be honest, in most cases, many that do not look so great) that effectively achieve nothing. It is all too common to find that no detailed strategic planning on how to actually market such websites and ultimately the businesses they are built to promote are put into place.

With every website we build, we take an in depth look at your specific medical niche. Who are your competitors? What are they doing successfully or unsuccessfully online? How best can we position your business within your niche and what are the opportunities and caveats of competing in your particular niche online?

After analysing a wide variety of factors and variables in your particular niche, that will ultimately influence the effectiveness of any attempt to position you online, we will formulate a plan on how to market your practice online in a way that is unique to the industry you operate in.

Optimising websites for speed, optimal performance on different browsing devices and operating systems and in the end, optimising your website for conversions (actually getting people who visit the website to become physical, paying clients) are some of the methods we look at when deciding what route to take when building a website that will be an effective and profitable online business asset.

Additionally, looking for unique opportunities to market your practice on the internet, whether it be through search engines like Google, promotional video marketing, social media platforms and/or media buys, are some of the tools in our online marketing arsenal. We will look for opportunities that no one in your field is taking effective advantage of in the online space and we look how to exploit those opportunities in a way that translates into a profitable marketing endeavour for your practice.

LET’S HAVE A CHAT and get down to the brass tacks, which essentially boil down to – How can we use the amazing tool that is the internet to actually make more money for your practice?

Simply click on any of the websites below to see a demo website in action:









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See Something You Want?

Have you seen a design somewhere else on the internet that you really like? Feel free to let us know and we could easily base your new website design off something you already like!

Read More on Demo Websites...

Simply decide on a layout you like from the demo websites above. We will then install that design and customize it with your images (and/or our own huge database of high quality stock images) and text. No matter what specific medical niche you are in, we can customize any of the designs above to fit your particular needs.

If you want a design built from scratch to meet a very specific vision you might have in mind, we can also easily accommodate that. LET’S HAVE A CHAT!

Read More on the Web Design Platform we use...

We build all our websites on the WordPress Content Management System (CMS). It is estimated that around 25% of the websites on the internet today run on the WordPress platform. Website Development on WordPress offers huge economies of scale. All the best website development software is being developed on this platform so you can be assured that as your business grows, your website has the solid foundation to grow with your business. Some of the companies that have built their websites with WordPress include: Fortune , Time, Facebook Newsroom, Reuters Blog, Microsoft Newscentre, Mercedes-Benz, just to name a few large companies using this platform.